Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New purpose, new topic, same Gospel.

First of all, if you read my blog on a regular basis, thank you. You are too kind. I pray that the few blogs I wrote on Biblical manhood have helped you in some way, shape, or form. However God has been doing some serious work in my life, in my heart. I waited to blog again until the new year and now I feel more direction than ever before. A new focus has been placed within me, a new goal.

God is good. He is faithful. He is also full of surprises and changes. In my new post soon to be released, I will discuss with you the new changes my blog is about to undergo. No longer will I be ranting a raving about my opinions on Biblical manhood for that is far too much of a distraction from the thing God has put nearest to my heart, Discipleship. It will be the new focus of this blog, making disciples in the context that Jesus gave in Matthew. We will unpack Matthew 28:18-20, looking at what it means for Christians as individuals and also as the Church.

God has put it on my heart to make Discipleship the number one thing I talk about, it is the very thing Jesus told us to do as His followers, and it is the one thing the westernized "American" church has messed up. Instead of telling people that the Church needs fixing and that we have to get going ASAP, I have to get going and change ASAP. Ghandi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I feel that that quote hits the nail on the head. If Josh Pepper wants to see change in the Church, HE has to BE the change in the church. Ghandi also said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." It's high time we change our image as Christians and it all starts with discipleship. But we'll unpack this down the road.

So, stay tuned, I don't know what God wants for this blog but I promise to you my readers that I will not blog until I feel God has put something in me to say. If you, like me, are tired of being a part of an Americanized Church that has lost it's focus, walking away from discipleship, and trading it for comfort, be the change.

In order to change the way others think, we must change the way we think.
The Gospel has to take it's place once again ahead of all other things in our lives.
The Me's and I's and My's in this blog are going to have to disappear.
Jesus and His purpose, has to become first.



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